Just a couple of photos I took of sunset scenes, one taken on Blackpool Seafront the other taken from Hurst Cross.
Blackpool Seafront |
Taken at the same time as the illumination photos, this photo was taken just after the sun had set behind the sea. At the time of taking the photo I was just trying to get the photo right and I didn't notic the two silhouettes on the beach until I was able to look at the photo. Looking back at the photo again, I think they add something to the photo that nothing else would have done.
Hurst Cross |
This was a photo I took on impulse from a back garden, the things that make this photo so interesting are the contrasrts it shows. Again, the silhouette of the trees really helps to distinguish the colouring of the sky and the clouds. This photo has the additional contrast of the flash really helping to seperate the trees from everything else in the shot. In essence, this could be classed a photo in three parts.
That's all the photos I have to upload for now, hope you like them.
Thanks for looking.